Package treemap

Interface Summary
MapLayout The interface for all treemap layout algorithms.
MapModel Model object used by MapLayout to represent data for a treemap.
Mappable Interface representing an object that can be placed in a treemap layout.

Class Summary
AbstractMapLayout Abstract class holding utility routines that several implementations of MapLayout use.
BinaryTreeLayout This layout uses a static binary tree for dividing map items.
LayoutCalculations Calculations on treemap layouts.
LayoutDifference Object that can measure to the amount of structural change between two layouts.
MapItem A simple implementation of the Mappable interface.
PivotByMiddle Layout using the pivot-by-middle algorithm.
PivotBySize Layout using the pivot-by-size algorithm.
PivotBySplitSize Layout using the pivot-by-split-size algorithm.
Rect A JDK 1.0 - compatible rectangle class that accepts double-valued parameters.
RecursiveTreemap Class that simplifies a TreeMap layout.
SimpleMapItem An implementation of the Mappable interface that adds a few useful bits for use with Processing: an incrementSize() function and local x,y,w,h fields for the bounds that can be accessed directly.
SimpleMapModel A simple implementation of the MapModel interface.
SliceLayout The original slice-and-dice layout for treemaps.
SquarifiedLayout "Squarified" treemap layout invented by J.J.
Treemap Class that simplifies a Treemap layout.
TreeModel An implementation of MapModel that represents a hierarchical structure.