Uses of Interface

Uses of MapLayout in treemap

Classes in treemap that implement MapLayout
 class AbstractMapLayout
          Abstract class holding utility routines that several implementations of MapLayout use.
 class BinaryTreeLayout
          This layout uses a static binary tree for dividing map items.
 class OrderedTreemap
 class PivotByMiddle
          Layout using the pivot-by-middle algorithm.
 class PivotBySize
          Layout using the pivot-by-size algorithm.
 class PivotBySplitSize
          Layout using the pivot-by-split-size algorithm.
 class SliceLayout
          The original slice-and-dice layout for treemaps.
 class SquarifiedLayout
          "Squarified" treemap layout invented by J.J.
 class StripTreemap

Methods in treemap with parameters of type MapLayout
 void TreeModel.layout(MapLayout tiling)
 void TreeModel.layout(MapLayout tiling, Rect bounds)
 void Treemap.setLayout(MapLayout algorithm)
 void RecursiveTreemap.setLayout(MapLayout algorithm)