Uses of Class

Uses of Rect in treemap

Methods in treemap that return Rect
 Rect Rect.copy()
 Rect SimpleMapModel.getBounds()
 Rect SimpleMapItem.getBounds()
 Rect Mappable.getBounds()
 Rect MapItem.getBounds()

Methods in treemap with parameters of type Rect
 double Rect.distance(Rect r)
 void TreeModel.layout(MapLayout tiling, Rect bounds)
 void StripTreemap.layout(MapModel model, Rect bounds)
 void PivotBySplitSize.layout(MapModel model, Rect bounds)
 void PivotBySize.layout(MapModel model, Rect bounds)
 void PivotByMiddle.layout(MapModel model, Rect bounds)
 void OrderedTreemap.layout(MapModel model, Rect bounds)
 void MapLayout.layout(MapModel model, Rect bounds)
          Arrange the items in the given MapModel to fill the given rectangle.
 void AbstractMapLayout.layout(MapModel model, Rect bounds)
 void SquarifiedLayout.layout(Mappable[] items, int start, int end, Rect bounds)
 void BinaryTreeLayout.layout(Mappable[] items, int start, int end, Rect bounds)
 void BinaryTreeLayout.layout(Mappable[] items, int start, int end, Rect bounds, boolean vertical)
 void SquarifiedLayout.layout(Mappable[] items, Rect bounds)
 void SliceLayout.layout(Mappable[] items, Rect bounds)
 void BinaryTreeLayout.layout(Mappable[] items, Rect bounds)
abstract  void AbstractMapLayout.layout(Mappable[] items, Rect bounds)
          Subclasses implement this method themselves.
static void SliceLayout.layout(Mappable[] items, Rect bounds, int orientation)
 void OrderedTreemap.layoutAtOrigin(MapModel model, Rect bounds)
static void SliceLayout.layoutBest(Mappable[] items, int start, int end, Rect bounds)
static void SliceLayout.layoutBest(Mappable[] items, int start, int end, Rect bounds, int order)
 void SimpleMapModel.setBounds(Rect bounds)
 void SimpleMapItem.setBounds(Rect bounds)
 void RecursiveTreemap.setBounds(Rect bounds)
 void Mappable.setBounds(Rect bounds)
 void MapItem.setBounds(Rect bounds)
static void AbstractMapLayout.sliceLayout(Mappable[] items, int start, int end, Rect bounds, int orientation)
static void AbstractMapLayout.sliceLayout(Mappable[] items, int start, int end, Rect bounds, int orientation, int order)

Constructors in treemap with parameters of type Rect
Rect(Rect r)
SimpleMapModel(Mappable[] items, Rect bounds)