Processing 0185
Just posted release 0185 of Processing on the download page. It’s a pre-release for what will eventually become 1.2 or 1.5. Please test and file bugs if you find problems. The list revisions are below:
PROCESSING 0185 – 20 June 2010
Primarily a bug fix release. The biggest change are a couple tweaks for problems caused by Apple’s Update 2 for Java on OS X, so this should make Processing usable on Macs again.
[ bug fixes ]
+ Fix for Apple bug that caused an assertion failure when requestFocus() was called in some situations. This was causing the PDE to become unusable for opening sketches, and focus highlighting was no longer happening.
+ Fixed two bugs with fonts created with specific charsets.
+ Fix from jdf for PImage(java.awt.Image img) and ARGB images. The method “public PImage(java.awt.Image)” was setting the format to RGB (even if ARGB)
+ Large number of beginShape(POINTS) not rendering correctly on first frame
+ Fix for PDF library and createFont() on Linux, thanks to Matthias Breuer.
+ Fix from takachin for a problem with full-width space with Japanese IME.
+ Reset matrix for the PDF library in-between frames also added begin/endDraw between frames
[ additions ]
+ Add the changes for “Copy as HTML” to replace the “Copy for Discourse” function, now that we’ve shut down the old YaBB discourse board.
+ Option to disable re-opening sketches when you start Processing. The default will stay the same, but if you don’t like the feature, alter your preferences.txt file to change:
to the following:
The issue was originally filed here:
However the main problem with this is that due to other errors, the wrong sketches are being opened, sketches are sometimes forgotten, or windows are opened concurrently on top of one another, creating a bad situation:
Those bugs are not yet fixed, but will be addressed in future releases.
+ Option to change the default naming of sketches via preferences.txt.
First, you can change the prefix, which defaults to:
And the suffix is handled using dates. The current default (since 1.0) is:
Or if you want to switch back to the old (six digit) style, you could use:
+ Updated bundled JRE/tools to 6u20 for Windows and Linux
+ Several SVG fixes and additions, including some tweaks from PhiLho. These changes will be documented in a future release once the API changes are complete.
+ Added option to launch a sketch directly w/ linux. Thanks to Larry Kyrala.
+ Pass actual exceptions from InvocationTargetException in registered methods, which improves how exceptions are reported with libraries.
+ Added loading.gif to the js version of the applet loader. Not sure if this is actually working or not, but it’s there.
[ android ]
+ Added permissions for INTERNET and WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to the default AndroidManifest.xml file. This will be addressed in greater detail here:
And with the implementation of code signing here:
+ Lots of work happening underneath with regards to Android, more updates soon as things start evening out a bit.
+ Defaulting to a WVGA screen for the default Processing AVD.